It just takes a few small changes...
The first question is must be “What is toxic”? What is a problem for one person is not necessarily an issue of toxicity for another person!
For as long as I have been on the spiritual path, I have heard the wisdom of those talking about the ‘I AM’ Presence – our Higher self, our Monad or God self. The mighty ‘I AM’ is defined as our unique and immortal true identity and, as I have found, personally and with clients, has been within us the entire time. We are our ‘I AM’ presence.
The Alexander Technique (AT) is a pioneering method by which to engage with a person’s often limiting habits that might cause problems for health and wellbeing. F. M. Alexander (1869 – 1955) based his physical contact work on theoretical considerations. 100 years on, practitioners of the Alexander Technique still apply the method as it is handed down through three years full time training. What has become of interest is to understand why the method works.
A toxin is a substance which can damage a living organism and the damage created by the toxin depends on the amount of exposure (or the dose).
For us, a toxic lifestyle is one in which we are exposed either externally, internally or both to anything causing harm to our body by damaging or downregulating our ‘DNA’ and possibly switching on genes which can cause us harm. ![]() Over the years, I’ve heard a number of people refer to and start accreditations in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and I confess there was always a little natural curiosity. Mostly sceptical and suspicious! I’m a pretty intuitive person and always felt that I’d be better served following my own instincts. A close friend undertook the Practitioner course and I came to the realisation that everything she talked about resonated and the following is what I came to understand. |
The Holistic Life CoachHolistic & Natural Solutions for Health and Wellbeing Categories
March 2018