How to raise your energy with flower essences: Here are 5 essences for raising your energy. Essences can be taken orally by adding drops to water or by spraying the essence/water solution around the body. Each works in a different way so have a read and see which ones resonate with you.
Suggested flower remedies for September are Vervain and Wild Oat: Vervain This remedy helps with over-enthusiasm and constant mental activity leading to exhaustion and mental tension. A great remedy for those who find it difficult to relax and those who are perfectionists prone to overwork, pushing beyond their limits and becoming highly sensitive and stressed as a result. Vervain restores balance, puts everything into perspective and encourages calmness. Wild Oat Remedy to take when there is uncertainty and lack of direction. People requiring Wild Oat may be highly ambitious and very talented but they don’t really know how to use these talents and may move rapidly from one thing to another. The remedy helps strengthen inner connection, clarity of direction and moving forward with a clear vision of the future. Christmas is coming and before we know it the decorations will be up, Christmas music playing everywhere and the shops crazily busy. Once December comes around Christmas pretty much ‘takes over’ and becomes our sole focus. December is a crazily busy month for most with cards and presents to organise, parties, work lunches and school productions included in what is already a fully packed schedule. Our back is our body’s support system and metaphysically problems in this area can be due to requiring more support in a certain area of life. The upper back is often linked to a feeling of being unloved and maybe more emotional support is required from a family member or friend. Problems in the middle back often arise with feelings of guilt and problems with the lower back are associated with financial worry and feeling unsupported in this area of life. The stiffness and tension in the neck and cervical spine is often linked with inflexibility in thinking, and stubbornness. Stress is a name given to a combination of emotions linked to survival which can be responsible for negative effects on us both mentally and physically. Our current ordered and controlled lifestyles make us more vulnerable to stress and as individuals, although it is difficult, we need to be able to take responsibility for managing our own stress levels for optimal health. Stress is a major cause of illness and disease and is often known as the disease of modern living. It can result from any situation requiring change and is not only caused by traumatic events such as bereavement, unexpected redundancy and divorce but also more positive changes such as getting married, having a baby and moving to a new home. How does being out in nature make you feel? Many people know that just being in close proximity to trees, plants and flowers can make them feel relaxed, calm and centred. This is due to their natural energy vibration being lifted. Flower remedies themselves are healing solutions containing the energetic imprint of flowers, plants or trees which when taken can raise our own energy vibration making us feel better mentally, emotionally and subsequently physically. The remedies also open up our channels for reception of inner guidance and connection to our soul so we naturally become more intuitive and know how we can help ourselves. We are energy beings being comprised of 99.9999% energy and are constantly vibrating. Our energy vibration can vary and we connect and resonate with others vibrating at a similar rate. |
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March 2018