![]() For as long as I have been on the spiritual path, I have heard the wisdom of those talking about the ‘I AM’ Presence – our Higher self, our Monad or God self. The mighty I AM is defined as our unique and immortal true identity and, as I have found, personally and with clients, has been within us the entire time. We are our ‘I AM’ presence. The sacred seat of our infinite self, our ‘I AM’ holds a library of infinite wisdom of the Divine. ‘I AM’ holds more wisdom of our eternal selves than any information that our minds can accumulate in the one lifetime.
![]() What a beautiful stone blue lace agate is. Delicate light blue colour with its lacy white or light grey banding. But don’t be fooled by its almost ethereal appearance, blue lace agate has the power to calm, soothe and the ability to bring back balance. Although Agates vibrate at a slower frequency than other stones, they are highly regarded as a stabilising and strengthening influences. ![]() Suggested flower remedies for September are Vervain and Wild Oat: Vervain This remedy helps with over-enthusiasm and constant mental activity leading to exhaustion and mental tension. A great remedy for those who find it difficult to relax and those who are perfectionists prone to overwork, pushing beyond their limits and becoming highly sensitive and stressed as a result. Vervain restores balance, puts everything into perspective and encourages calmness. Wild Oat Remedy to take when there is uncertainty and lack of direction. People requiring Wild Oat may be highly ambitious and very talented but they don’t really know how to use these talents and may move rapidly from one thing to another. The remedy helps strengthen inner connection, clarity of direction and moving forward with a clear vision of the future. ![]() Did you know that anyone can experience a ‘gut instinct’ or ‘intuition’ and that the value of intuition is now recognised in the corporate world? A ‘Gut Feeling or Instinct’ also known as your intuition is the ability to feel and just know things without any conscious input. Your intuition can be your best friend as it lets you know something is wrong (or right) and it’s so important to listen to it and trust it. ![]() Welcome to September Astrology forecast The Sun has made its transit into the earthly sign of Virgo. The chatty,busy and sensitive sign of the zodiac. Being ruled by the planet Mercury anything regarding information and communication is paramount. In fact this month has an effervescent flow of Virgo energy as Mars moves into this sign on sept 5th,Mercury on the 10th and Venus on the 20th ![]() Did you know that the gastrointestinal tract (also known as ‘the gut’) is the body’s largest sensory organ? With a huge surface area, the gut consists of mainly smooth muscle and works on an unconscious(involuntary) level. It contains millions of nerves which are different from those found elsewhere in the body and the nerve network in the Gut is as extensive and complex as the nerve network in the brain. ![]() Your Body Knows Your Trouble What is it trying to tell you? Gaining the wisdom to know what your body needs is probably the greatest gift you can give yourself. In his film “Manhattan”, Woody Allen says to Mia Farrow: “I can’t express anger. I grow a tumor instead”. Some people might say our health is our birthright, but I would urge you to listen to your body rather than ignore signals of ill health. From 25 years of experience with holistic work, I believe it to be essential to learn to understand how our thoughts and emotions affect our health.What is it trying to tell you? ![]() Dancing with Change – the Hoodoos and how dos Whether you work in an office, factory, from home or on your home and family, the concept of joy at work is so important. You spend most of your waking hours for most of your life doing it in some form or other. Mostly I hear people bemoan some aspect of work: they dread waking up, they hate a co-worker, things are always changing, the place is distressing... ![]() Below is the story of my mum’s final days as I sat in vigil with her. The art of vigiling is as old as time – to sit with a dying person, to honour their journey by being a loving presence next to them. When my mum died, I sat with her because I loved her and didn’t know what else to do. Now I know that if sitting with someone, holding their hand, is all you do – you have done enough |
The Holistic Life CoachHolistic & Natural Solutions for Health and Wellbeing Categories
March 2018