![]() In all fairness, many of you will be unaware that this week is World Homeopathy Week (10th - 16th April 2016). With this in mind, we are delighted to have Pierre write an article about how homeopathic treatments can help alleviate back pain whilst he also delves into the common root causes.
![]() Our back is our body’s support system and metaphysically problems in this area can be due to requiring more support in a certain area of life. The upper back is often linked to a feeling of being unloved and maybe more emotional support is required from a family member or friend. Problems in the middle back often arise with feelings of guilt and problems with the lower back are associated with financial worry and feeling unsupported in this area of life. The stiffness and tension in the neck and cervical spine is often linked with inflexibility in thinking, and stubbornness. ![]() Hours sitting at the desk day after day can certainly take its toll on our posture and physical tension. With the Feldenkrais method you can bring greater awareness to how you are sitting. You can learn where you habitually hold tension and how to break habits. The Feldenkrais method takes you through a series of very gentle movements which helps your brain to relearn how to move and work with ease. ![]() People come to a Yoga class for a variety of reasons; physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual. Many people come along because their health care provider has suggested it. I am going to address those who will benefit from Yoga to keep their back healthy. Now the body parts are all joined so if there is a misalignment with, for example, the knee, this will affect the way the person walks. This in turn will have that person holding themselves in positions to protect the knee. Over time, if the knee has not been corrected then stress of different parts of the body will be affected. ![]() Regular back ache is like toothache, or earache, there seems to be absolutely nothing you can do to alleviate the constant, nagging pain. Sitting down, laying down, hanging from the rafters like a bat. Sciatica is the worse, the electric pain one side of your lower back that shoots electric shocks down your leg, can’t get comfortable, even in bed when twitchy leg sets in. |
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March 2018