![]() Our back is our body’s support system and metaphysically problems in this area can be due to requiring more support in a certain area of life. The upper back is often linked to a feeling of being unloved and maybe more emotional support is required from a family member or friend. Problems in the middle back often arise with feelings of guilt and problems with the lower back are associated with financial worry and feeling unsupported in this area of life. The stiffness and tension in the neck and cervical spine is often linked with inflexibility in thinking, and stubbornness.
![]() Regular back ache is like toothache, or earache, there seems to be absolutely nothing you can do to alleviate the constant, nagging pain. Sitting down, laying down, hanging from the rafters like a bat. Sciatica is the worse, the electric pain one side of your lower back that shoots electric shocks down your leg, can’t get comfortable, even in bed when twitchy leg sets in. ![]() Stress by definition is, according to the dictionary, 1. pressure or force. 2. conditions of hardship, trouble, etc. Hmmm, it’s the etc. bit that sets me thinking! I think we all have our own interpretation of what the word stress means to us individually. As a current TV ad informs us, it’s been around since our time began and it’s how we deal with it is what counts. I can agree with that, but not perhaps the ads’ recommendation, although that might be appropriate for some. |
The Holistic Life CoachHolistic & Natural Solutions for Health and Wellbeing Categories
March 2018