Here's a 2-minute tip for releasing pent-up anger from your body before you blow a fuse! It works when you're about to burst into tears as well.
![]() No matter how calm we think we are, we all suffer from stress at some point in our lives. Reiki trained? Yes we try and live by the five laws….Spiritual?..yes we try to live by the Spiritual law, but sometimes all that happens is we are calm on the outside but inside we are a boiling volcano of spitting hot, churning lava, completely knocking out our energy system that has a huge knock on effect on our physical and emotional body resulting in the symptoms listed in the diagram above. So we ALL need a little bit of help. ![]() Stress by definition is, according to the dictionary, 1. pressure or force. 2. conditions of hardship, trouble, etc. Hmmm, it’s the etc. bit that sets me thinking! I think we all have our own interpretation of what the word stress means to us individually. As a current TV ad informs us, it’s been around since our time began and it’s how we deal with it is what counts. I can agree with that, but not perhaps the ads’ recommendation, although that might be appropriate for some. ![]() People used to refer to the word or phrase of the state of their ‘nerves’ rather than the word ‘stress’. It was Walter Cannon who actually developed the term stress in his work relating to the flight-or-flight response in 1932. In research terms stress now embraces biochemical, behavioural, physiological and psychological effects. Stress is a normal part of life. Many events that happen to you and around you, and many things that you do yourself, put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body and your thoughts and other people’s responses to you! ![]() Barbara Saph lives on the edge of the New Forest and runs her one-one Personal Development and Emotional Wellbeing private practice in Marchwood, she helps people find the solutions for their emotionally overwhelming and stress induced problems. She acts as an independent observer of your life to help you indentify and clear obstructions so you can move forward leading your life with passion, purpose and potential. Barbara will help you shift the imbalances, perceptions and beliefs that keep you powerless in your own life, bringing you back in control far more easily than you might believe by changing how you perceive those emotional events and stresses, however large or small. Barbara works with hypnotherapy, coaching, NLP and Energy work in the form of Emotion Freedom Technique or EFT or Tapping and Energy in Motion. Barbara also teaches EFT, Modern Stress Management and Energy work to people who want to use any of these methods either just for themselves or as practitioners in small focussed groups or to individuals. ![]() Hilary Cooper is a therapist and healer with a passion to help people find their spark and light up the world. For 20 years she taught English in secondary schools, and cared for her twin daughters. The whole time she felt like she was on a hamster wheel, just trying to keep up, while inside she was screaming. Now she works full-time with people who want to live the life they were made for. And most of the time she is dancing inside…. ![]() By far the best way to avoid colds and flu is to keep your immune system high and here are my Top Tips to making some changes to achieve just that! I advocate the One Simple Change Mission – Instead of attempting to conquer our health all at once, start by setting more manageable goals! Making small changes today can lead to great health benefits down the road, which is what I did. As a busy mum of two I found myself running around after the kids, juggling working and home life as well as running for fun! As a result I wasn’t looking after my nutrition. Despite a busy lifestyle I did eat reasonably well and I wasn’t over weight but I just didn’t feel healthy. ![]() Bernie Mullins has been a Social Worker since 2005 and has Specialised in Substance Misuse for the past 10 years. She is also a Student Social Worker Practice Educator and recently completed a Masters to become a Best Interest Assessor. Living on the South Coast in Mudeford Dorset with her husband Darren Bernie is a busy mum of two, Phoebe and Archie. The family moved to the South Coast in 2011 to build a better life for themselves. This is when Bernie's passion for running, health and nutrition was born. Bernie is a weekly runner clocking up to 30 miles a week and she has run two marathons and is keen to complete more. In January 2015 Bernie started her own health and nutrition business with Juice PLUS+ Her passion and mission is Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World and she advocates a One Simple Change concept. Renowned universities and research institutes around the world have been researching the Juice PLUS+ products for more than 20 years, which was one of the deciding factors as to why Bernie chose to be an Ambassador for Juice PLUS+ . Bernie is a Transform30 Total Body Cleanse Coach and is able to recommend the Juice PLUS+ Products in order to complete the Transform30 Challenge. How is your skin performing this winter?
People are often confused about what their skin, and their bodies really need to look well and stay well. It's no wonder! The beauty and health industry are now worth billions and it is in the interest of every company to say whatever it takes for you to buy their product and believe their message. You are valuable to them. You are worth money to them. Lots of money! Expensive chemically manufactured rubbish is passed off as age defying, wrinkle reducing wonder products. If it really worked, we would all be using them! ![]() How does being out in nature make you feel? Many people know that just being in close proximity to trees, plants and flowers can make them feel relaxed, calm and centred. This is due to their natural energy vibration being lifted. Flower remedies themselves are healing solutions containing the energetic imprint of flowers, plants or trees which when taken can raise our own energy vibration making us feel better mentally, emotionally and subsequently physically. The remedies also open up our channels for reception of inner guidance and connection to our soul so we naturally become more intuitive and know how we can help ourselves. We are energy beings being comprised of 99.9999% energy and are constantly vibrating. Our energy vibration can vary and we connect and resonate with others vibrating at a similar rate. ![]() This was the title of a 1946 NHS information film advising people to use a handkerchief to stop the spread of the cold and flu virus. Unfortunately even today “they” haven’t found a cure or preventative towards colds or flu. The ramifications that come with vaccines make them no longer an option and reaching for remedies from nature is becoming more the norm for those that don’t trust the short and long term effects of over the counter drugs. Grannies and great grannies used to advise rubbing goose fat on the chest, not so outrageous when you think of all the natural, easily made vapour rubs, (see for example) which, incidentally is best used rubbed on the feet and covered with a pair of socks at bedtime to stop the tickly cough that keeps you awake. Said to increase sluggish blood circulation at congested areas it is also thought to act on reflexology points. Fantastic non-intrusive remedy for babies and children. Colourful nutrition advice from renowned nutritionist and author of Rainbow Recipes, Barbara Cox.
When talking fruit and veg, the government advises that we eat ‘Five a Day’. That’s certainly a good start, but if I was the Prime Minister I’d change that to ‘Five Colours a Day’. That way we’d hopefully find ourselves eating more than five different kinds of fruit and vegetables daily, but it would mean we’d also benefit from the additional health-promoting properties of eating naturally pigmented food. Natural food pigments, known technically as carotenoids, are one kind of an important class of disease-fighting biochemicals with a very suitable (but coincidental) name: phytochemicals! Acting as antioxidants and immune response boosters, these chemicals are believed to be very important in providing protection against cancer and heart disease. |
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March 2018