The Power of Thought? Well, the very title of the piece started me thinking. In fact, I thought about it for days. A thought can be many things - positive, negative, inspiring, preventative, cognitive, reactive, meditative, original or not, motivational, damaging and even thoughtless- if that thought is put into action or spoken without consideration. The adjectives seem endless. And thoughts have consequences.
Sometimes there is a trigger for depression. Life changing events, such as bereavement, losing your job or even having a baby, can bring it on and it can happen to anyone. People with a family history are also more likely to experience it themselves. But you can become depressed for no obvious reason. Stress by definition is, according to the dictionary, 1. pressure or force. 2. conditions of hardship, trouble, etc. Hmmm, it’s the etc. bit that sets me thinking! I think we all have our own interpretation of what the word stress means to us individually. As a current TV ad informs us, it’s been around since our time began and it’s how we deal with it is what counts. I can agree with that, but not perhaps the ads’ recommendation, although that might be appropriate for some. Something very unusual thing happened to me this year - I got a cold! I am normally a very healthy person and pride myself on my good health, being a Touch for Health therapist and instructor. Well it is said that pride comes before a fall and fall I did, and felt very miserable about the whole thing. I also knew why I got ill and basically it was because I overstretched myself, got overtired and didn’t give myself the nurturing I needed. Silly me! Is that all there is to getting ill? There are so many factors to consider, but certainly at this time of year, people seem more vulnerable and susceptible to dis-ease. Mother of four, passionate about horses, alpacas and touch for health kinesiology, Charlotte originally qualified as a Nursing Sister. From her qualifications in Transactional Analysis and Neuro Linguistic Programming Charlotte moved to Touch For Health kinesiology and has qualified as both a Practitioner and an Instructor. As a Reiki Master Teacher Char;lotte uses Reiki for individual sessions and attunements. However she has had much success with Reiki for animals, primarily horses and alpacas. For the interest of animal lovers she has also qualifications with Monty Roberts and Parelli and did remedial work with 'problem' horses for 10 years under her own banner. |
The Holistic Life CoachHolistic & Natural Solutions for Health and Wellbeing Categories
March 2018