![]() Our thoughts are incredibly powerful to the extent that every thought we think has a direct effect on our body and our world. Our thoughts are directly linked to our emotions which are said to be direct communication from our soul and all our life experiences are a result of both our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts emit an energy frequency which attracts what we are thinking about. Negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive so it is highly important to be aware of our thoughts and emotions. As humans, we are energy beings who are constantly vibrating and are made up of organs which are comprised of tissues consisting of molecules which are formed of atoms. An atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons and this nucleus is orbited by electrons. These atomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons) make up just 0.001% of the atom with the remaining area (99.9999%) being made up of energy and information. Therefore, as we are made up of millions of atoms, we are actually 99.9999% energy, as is everything else on the planet. Quantum physics is the study of energy, the actions of the universe beyond space and time and the behaviour of atoms. Atomic particles which make up us and our world all originate in the Quantum field. We know that atomic matter appears and disappears in the Quantum field as there are no absolute physical things, yet all possibilities exist in each moment. Scientists have discovered that when an atom is viewed under a microscope, the electrons appear and then disappear in an unpredictable manner. They have also found that they can affect electrons by observing them so when an observer focuses attention on any one location of any one electron, the electron appears in that place, then when the observer looks away, the electron disappears back into energy. This research demonstrates that physical matter cannot manifest until we focus our attention on it. Giving our attention to something (by thinking about it) can emit the vibrations of energy to attract and manifest whatever it is you are thinking about into reality. Therefore, if we picture an event we wish to experience in our lives, that event already exists as a possibility in the Quantum field waiting for us to focus our attention on it and observe it. To simplify, if the human observer can make subatomic particles appear from nowhere, then theoretically we should be able to create many positive experiences. Our thoughts and emotions have a direct effect on our body and health too. Our thoughts and emotions trigger the production of neuropeptides which directly affect every part of our body. Our thoughts and emotions also have the power to switch our genes on or off and create new neural pathways in our brains which can lead to healing or other changes in our body. ‘The molecules of our emotions share intimate connections with and are inseparable from our physiology. Consciously or more frequently unconsciously, we choose how we feel at every single moment’ – Candace Pert PHD(Neuroscientist) Fear linked emotions such as fear, anger and worry, which are derived primarily from stress hormones, knock both the brain and body out of balance and downregulate genes needed for optimal health. These fear emotions and negative thoughts are usual to most but avoid dwelling on anything negative as continued negative thinking and prolonged stress can have severe effects on our health. Love emotions such as gratitude and joy bring positive changes to our body and mind and switch on genes needed for optimal health. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful and we all need to be aware of how they affect us and create our reality. It must be acknowledged though that thinking and visualising alone may not be enough and manifestation can only occur when blocks are cleared too. Tips for assisting the clearing of any blocks to creation are: * Combine power of thought and visualisation with transmitting positive affirmations and emotions. * Have desire and passion for what you want and really feel it. * Stay in your own energy and only do what really feels right to you rather than acting to please others. * Be willing to receive in all areas of life. Value yourself as worthy to receive. * Clear any limiting beliefs (such as ‘I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve etc) and replaces with positive affirmations which rise above any limiting beliefs so they fade away. Therefore, by becoming the awareness behind our thoughts and emotions we can directly affect our health, wellbeing and life experience in general. Lisa Elmore ‘We are formed and moulded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow which never leaves them’ – Buddha.
1 Comment
lin cassidy
27/7/2016 17:28:15
Thanks for booking me on x
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