Something very unusual thing happened to me this year - I got a cold! I am normally a very healthy person and pride myself on my good health, being a Touch for Health therapist and instructor. Well it is said that pride comes before a fall and fall I did, and felt very miserable about the whole thing. I also knew why I got ill and basically it was because I overstretched myself, got overtired and didn’t give myself the nurturing I needed. Silly me! Is that all there is to getting ill? There are so many factors to consider, but certainly at this time of year, people seem more vulnerable and susceptible to dis-ease. UNDERSTANDING THE ELEMENTS Within the Chinese 5 element model, Winter comes within the Water element and is described as having the colour of blue, the sound of moaning and groaning, the emotions of fear and anxiety, the taste of saltiness, a putrid odour and a cold climate. It also fortifies bones. Doesn’t sound too uplifting! But it is a constant flow, from element to element, within and without us. None can function on their own and ideally to have all the elements, fire , earth, metal, water and wood, in balance and in harmony all the time, would be wondrous, and there are things we can do for ourselves to attain and maintain good health. Winter is an interesting time of year. It is the deepest, most yin time of the year and therefore reflects the deepest part of us. The kidney meridian, linked to the Water element, holds the imprint or message of our DNA and those inherited cycles and patterns that we may have carried with us over eons of time. Although we may inherit the tendency towards a certain life experience, it is our environment and how we choose to live our life that is most influential to the outcome of our life. This perfectly flows with Water element. Water is the ultimate transformer. It can be solid, liquid or gas. It is not confined or determined by its origin, but adapts and moves with its environment. As we are in this deep reflective time, now is the time to dive deep into those patterns and cycles that we take for granted, explore them and see if they really are you or just an energy echo from the past. After this exploration, consider how you would like to be, and create a new message for yourself. WAYS TO REALIGN THE ELEMENTS
As we are in this deep reflective time, now is the time to dive deep into those patterns and cycles that we take for granted, explore them and see if they really are you or just an energy echo from the past. After this exploration, consider how you would like to be, and create a new message for yourself. One way of doing this is by having a Touch for Health balance. The body has an intelligence all of its own that we can connect with through muscle testing and obtain a bio feedback. Setting a goal and balancing the elements to that goal allows us to shed unwanted stuff and put in place things that are more desirable. Anything is possible! It is important at this time of year to look after your water organs, especially the kidney. The kidney meridian is at its peak between 5pm and 7pm. If it is possible to have a bath at this time of the evening, it can have a very beneficial effect on your general health. Also in the cold weather, it is important to keep the kidney area warm with appropriate clothing. Of course, drinking sufficient amounts of water is crucial, as we can be easily dehydrated in the cold weather. Winter is the preparation time for renewal when everything seemingly is dormant. Already, new life is springing from the Earth. Snowdrops and catkins are already appearing and in some places, daffodils have been a little too eager, due to the wet and mild conditions. It has certainly been a watery time! The sight of new growth and the promise of things to come can fill us with a new optimism for the time ahead. The cycle continues on. We too will move into the green of Spring and a time of renewal for us all. Wishing you all good winter health. Charlotte Crook
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