Reflexology is a complementary therapy which works on the feet or hands. The earliest evidence of Reflexology dates to ancient Egypt (2500BC) where there is pictorial evidence of practitioners working on the hands and feet of people. Reflexology works on the basis that every part of the feet (or hands) corresponds to a specific part of the body and during a full treatment, the whole body receives healing. During a typical Reflexology session, specific reflex areas corresponding to parts of the body can be worked and although a full treatment with a therapist has the additional benefits of stress reduction and relaxation, it is possible to do a self-healing Reflexology treatment by working these reflex areas yourself usually on the hands. Hand treatments can be carried out very effectively and can be used conveniently as a self-healing aid without the need for any couch, cream or equipment. They are also easier to reach than the feet. The Hand Reflexology diagram identifies points on the hand corresponding to Reflex points on the body and a simple holistic treatment can be done by massaging the whole palm and front and sides of fingers by using ’push and slide’ compression massage which is applying some pressure with the thumb and sliding the thumb along the hand a short way then repeating from the stopping point. Any Reflex points ‘out of balance’ will feel tender and maybe hard or gritty. For self-treatment of specific complaints, here are some useful Reflex points:
©Lisa Elmore BSc MAR.
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