![]() What beautiful objects crystals are…sparkling, twinkling, colourful! Come on hands up how many people reading this has one in their pocket right now? Or in your handbag? Hmmm, well over 75% of you I bet. In my life of Reiki and energy healing, I have had more and more interest in my use of crystals alongside and with treatments. RCrystals are no longer the domain of the holistically inclined, the “happy clappys” dressed in tie dye. Crystals are definitely integrated into our everyday lives, even to the point of large specimens being displayed in corporate buildings to help reduce the stress electromagnetic effect of our fast moving lives. In my life of Reiki and energy healing, I have had more and more interest in my use of crystals alongside and with treatments. The logical, scientific explanation on how the crystals work really appeals to the gentlemen who come for healing, quite often purchasing a crystal for their pocket before leaving, a discreet way for them to recognise and heal the often hidden emotional problems they have, without having to broadcast it. Children also benefit hugely from crystal healing; in fact this generation in my experience are hugely insightful and interested in crystals and their healing properties. I have given several crystal workshops for children which is fantastic, teaching them from a young age to heal, ground and protect themselves, moving them away from the harmful trend of chemical pills and potions! So why use crystals with reiki? Surely Reiki is the all healing energy? Well yes it is, it goes to where it is needed most, it carries on working after the healing treatment and it works directly on the body, emotions and mind to jump start its own healing ability. However, as both a Crystal Therapist and Usui Reiki Master, integrating Crystals into my Reiki healing sessions and attunements, or Reiki into my Crystal healing sessions, definitely enhances and amplifies the healing energies that I use and work with. Dark or deep red crystal such as hematite or red jasper placed at feet on the earth chakra keeps my client grounded and connected to the earth allowing energy to flow freely through the body energy system from above the crown to the ground. Placing appropriate crystals on the client’s main 7 chakra points helps to re align, re balance and re energise the energy system allowing the Reiki energy to flow freely to enhance the healing experience. A simple crystal grid, or pattern, of clear quartz crystals around the body immediately raises the client’s energy levels facilitating the body’s receptivity to the Reiki energy. Crystal wands or points are fantastic for concentrating Reiki energy on a specific injury or troublesome spot, clockwise for putting energy in, anti-clockwise for removing. Crystal grids placed under the treatment couch or underneath the healing chair can channel and amplify the energy in the right direction and as I place them on a specific geometric pattern the energy, again, raises to a much higher vibration, I tend to use the seed of life as its sacred geometric meaning is new beginnings. Using this method with my healing chair has allowed me to offer this treatment which is shorter than a full blown Reiki session for those with busy lives with absolutely fantastic results! Asking the client to hold a crystal in each hand helps with the receiving of energy (left hand) and the removal of harmful/low energy (right hand). Using Crystals in conjunction with Reiki on the “darker” side of my energy work is also a must. When doing an energy clearance of a property it is vital that both myself and the client are protected from any low (negative) energy that I am removing, I like to use black tourmaline to prevent attachments and hematite for protection, before using Reiki to re energise and raise the vibration of the building that will also work on the inhabitants. I have also had fantastic results using crystals when removing low (negative) energy or attachments from client’s auric field in the healing chair before re energising them. This method has also had brilliant results for teenagers as they are much more open and receptive to energy around them. In my experience a lot of teenage “problems” are exaggerated by outside influences and the upset of their energy system as they go through all their hormonal upheavals of their age. Also specific crystals bring to the surface deep seated specific problems that are causing an emotional block stopping the client to move forwards in their lives. (Black obsidian is brilliant for this but I would only recommend using this to qualified therapists!) Of course Reiki is brilliant at cleansing and rebalancing your crystal collection. I always use Reiki to cleanse, re-balance and program the specific crystals that I am using in a healing session. Reiki energy amplifies and enhances the healing vibrational qualities of crystals. Crystals amplify and enhance the healing vibrational energy of Reiki. It’s a win win situation! Best wishes. Angie x
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