![]() ‘I AM’ transcends all emotional and mental states. The ‘I AM’ holds only one emotion – Love - pure unadulterated unconditional love. So, when is it that we stopped loving ourselves – really caring and nuturing, appreciating ourselves? When did we start taking ourselves for granted, pushing ourselves to our limits? When did we stop taking the time to pat ourselves on the back for achieving something? When we get a little run down why do we curse our limitations instead of seeing it as a way that our body is crying out for rest and nurturing? When did we start accepting that working in jobs that we are not happy in or do not satisfy our souls’ longing to pay our bills is what we deserve? When did we start accepting that staying in a relationship or keeping a friendship that is not in our resonance is the best thing for us? The more important question is why? I’ve heard all the reasons – we have responsibilities, we don’t have the luxury of doing what we want, we do this to survive, it’s just the way it is, what other choice have I got? ‘I AM’ Loving Myself – that’s a choice we have. Do we need more time for self reflection? Take it – the laundry can wait another day. Do we need a more fulfilling job, that stirs my passion? Find it – no employer or job is indispensable. Do we need a partner who is more in resonance with our vibration and loves us for who ‘We Are’? Yes, yes and yes. ‘I AM’ Loving Myself. Our ‘I AM’ holds our individual divine imprint and vibration of Universal Source. This is our unique make up and resonance. When our outside is in dissonance with our ‘I AM’ within, we are sent warning signals from our ‘I AM’ – starting gently at first, and growing more acute if the dissonance gets stronger or continues for long periods of time : a. Feeling Dissatisfied with everything in life b. General feeling of malaise or lethargy c. No joy or passion for life – leading to low moods, and even depression e. Insomnia f. Mental unrest – leading to anxiety g. Physical pains or diseases (acute or chronic) h. Not feeling comfortable in own skin The worse it gets, the louder the signals become – self harm, destructive behaviour, feelings of wanting to end life. How can we change this for ourselves, and embrace the Unconditional Love of ‘I AM’? a. Breakthrough the shackles of conditioned believes that serve others as opposed to ‘I AM’ and learn to flowing with what resonates more authentically with ‘I AM’. b. Become consciously aware of and have stronger boundaries against manipulation and / or inauthentic intentions, behaviours or personalities. The resonance causes great discomfort, and apart from standing up for ‘I AM’, walk away from the person, thus walking away from any potential dramas is not our own c. Stop giving away too much energy in the hopes to get love. Instead, BE in a resonance that we enjoy Being in. In doing so, attract those who share the same resonance that I am in, and those who do not share the same resonance will fall away. d. Flow with what heart and ‘I AM’ is in resonance as opposed to what I think I should be doing. Drop obligations that do not work for ‘I AM’. Everything we do, do with love and joy. ‘Work’ is something that we look forward to with excitement. Our work is the reflection of how we feel about ourselves inside. e. Take more time for ourselves – to relax, to go within to embody ‘I AM’, to just Be. To connect with ‘I AM’ within, one has to take time to disconnect from everything else outside. Is it not worth it and important to make time for the most important relationship in our lives – our selves?
We create our reality via our choices, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and reactions to change. ‘I AM’ loving myself. Choose ‘I AM’. Choose to honour and nurture ourselves. Reena Kumarasingham
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March 2018