For as long as I have been on the spiritual path, I have heard the wisdom of those talking about the ‘I AM’ Presence – our Higher self, our Monad or God self. The mighty I AM is defined as our unique and immortal true identity and, as I have found, personally and with clients, has been within us the entire time. We are our ‘I AM’ presence. Health is one of the most valuable assets that we have. When I refer to ‘Health’, I mean our whole health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and ‘I AM’ selves. It is only with good health can we truly go forth and pursue our lives to the best of our ability. Our ‘I AM’ self is Divine – always whole, strong and complete. ‘I AM’ does not even understand ill health as it does not exist in the way of Being. Ill health exists in the physical, mental and emotional bodies but not at all in the ‘I AM’. Until about three years ago, I got constantly ill. If I was fortunate, I would get the flu twice a year. That was a cause for celebration - I would pump my fist in the air and do a little victory dance. Then, that was plenty healthy for me. Three years ago, I met this really spritely, active lady who was 87 years old. We got to talking, and she mentioned that the number of times she fell ill in her life, she could count on one hand. I asked her what her secret was. She said that everyday when she wakes up, she gives thanks for her good health. Also, when she is asked about her health, she always says I AM Healthy. With the occasional aches and pains, she does not give them any attention – I AM Healthy – and they disappear. We create a reality and resonance for us by what we say about ourselves. When we constantly say ‘I AM’ in pain or ‘I AM’ ill or ‘I AM’ tired or ‘My Bad Part of the Body (shoulder, knee, etc), we keep creating that reality for ourselves and the ailment will remain or get worse. By affirming our good health, we create a different reality – a reality of good health. So I decided to try that – my affirmation is that ‘I AM’ Healthy, Whole and Strong. Wouldn’t you know it – for three years, I have not been ill. Even when the area that I was living in had a raging bacterial infection, I remained healthy. So now, my automatic affirmation of ‘I AM’ Healthy, Whole and Strong has become a way of Being. Harmony is a beautiful balance; Between mind, body and soul - Melanie Koulouris We living beings are a wonderfully complex marriage of different elements that vibrate and oscillate at different speeds – the physical, mental, emotional, astral, spiritual. In a healthy individual, these many sounds, vibrations and wavelengths resonate harmoniously with one another, like the orchestra, creating the most beautiful sound unique to each individual. Each healthy part is like an individual instrument within the orchestra, well tuned, vibrating at its own frequency, yet harmonising and synchronising in perfect within the whole of its environment. We are a living entity of so many vibrations and wavelengths. When every part of us is in resonance with ‘I AM’, then we are in Harmony with ourselves. There is a wonderful quote by Mahatma Gandhi: Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. When we embrace and flow from ‘I AM’, and all our actions are in sync with our Being, then and only then, we are in harmony with ourselves, with people around us and with the world. When all the matter vibrates and resonates harmoniously, the sum of all the matter is harmonious and is healthy. It all starts with ourselves – Being in Harmony with ‘I AM’. Harmony, however, does not occur when we all sing or play the same note. That, in my opinion, would be rather boring. Harmony occurs when we all sing or play different notes that are in resonance with one another, as they do in a Big Band or any musical group. In a Big Band – and it never fails to strike me how 15 different instruments, playing different notes at the same time, can come together harmoniously, beautifully together to produce the most harmonic convergence called song – that touches people so deeply. It is also so finely tuned that if one note is out of place, or out of tune in this complex universe, the entire structure of the song collapses into a dissonant mess. A band or an orchestra is the perfect example of how when everything is beautifully balanced, there is harmony, beauty and joy. All the musicians are so aware, not just to their own instruments and notes, but also to their fellow musicians. Though they are centred with their own instruments and tunes, they listen and flow harmoniously with one another – creating this wonderful kaleidoscope of sounds and experiences for the listeners. Applying this to ourselves, our physical, mental, emotional, astral and spiritual bodies have their individual roles to play – vibrating at different levels. However, as long as we are centred and held within ‘I AM’, and all else blooms from ‘I AM’, then we will be in Harmony with ourselves. In regression therapy, we learn that some ill health is brought down as a way to learn lessons and evolve spiritually. However, some ill health is created by us – either through excessive stress, anxiety, worrying or even being misaligned from our ‘I AM’. I remember when I was contemplating and delaying leaving my Corporate career to pursue being a Regression Therapist, my back suddenly misaligned. At that time, I was swimming four times a week, and running twice a week, and so my back was strong. I could not understand what was happening to my back, and neither could my chiropractor. The minute I decided to resign from my Corporate job, and submitted my letter, my back miraculously became pain free. My back pain was merely a message that I was misaligned from my Purpose of Being. In his book, the Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton illustrates our stress levels so effectively – he said that with our lifestyle these days, the stress levels we constantly put ourselves through is similar to constantly being back into a corner by a lion waiting to pounce. We put more stress on our bodies, minds and emotions than we are built for and can handle. So, our health breaks down. In embracing and embodying ‘I AM’ we are totally aligned with ‘I AM’ and we will Be in Joy. When aligned with ‘I AM’, we will spend more time in the present than in the past or the future. When aligned with ‘I AM’ and Being in the Present keeps us Healthy – physically, emotionally and mentally. At this time, as vibrations and frequencies of the Universe get higher, as long as all matter that makes up the Universe is vibrating and resonating at the same level, harmony will ensue. However, as one aspect of the Universe shifts first, this normally causes disharmony and discomfort during the transition period, as all the matter try to shift their individual resonance to match that aspect. Given time, all aspects of matter will eventually resonate at the same level, and have enabled a shift in frequency – normally a higher vibration. Everything will remain in harmony, until another aspect decides to shift. This is the ongoing cycle of the ever-evolving Universe that we exist in. During this time of change, we have to be vigilant of our Being. As everything around us shifts, all our different elements temporarily become in disharmony with what is around us. However, ‘I AM’ beats on steadily, holding to the true resonance of our Being. As long as we embrace and embody ‘I AM’, we will be in harmony with our true Being – thus enabling to stay constant and centred within the maelstrom around us. We can manage and Be in good health. Sometimes we may just need to make different choices. ‘I AM’ Healthy – isn’t it worth it? Reena Kumarasigham
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March 2018