![]() The statistics for cancer in the UK are not a pleasant read. So far, there is not one official explanation for the cause of this devastating illness which sadly causes an early death to many people every year. I strongly believe we have to look at the emotional issues each cancer patient carries and help them clear feelings of long-standing resentment and deep hurt. Working as a holistic therapist for the last 25 years, I firmly believe that our body knows the trouble and that all disease begins with our negative thought patterns. Fifteen years ago, I attended a course in “Radical Forgiveness” with Colin C. Tipping, which was a hugely provocative experience. How can we forgive our enemies? How can we forgive the person who has done us wrong? How can we forgive the person who killed our brother? Many strong world leaders have shown us how: Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela both showed Radical Forgiveness in their quest for freedom. Robert Holden Ph.D., a highly respected Happiness and Love Coach, says: “Forgiveness is the process by which you let love replace all grievances”. If not released, energy blockages manifest as disease such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Quantum physics has actually proven that negative emotions condense as energy particles which, if not expressed as emotion, become lodged in the spaces between atoms and molecules. It is essential to shift those particles before they do harm by accumulating and coagulating into a mass that one day may become cancer; forgiveness can facilitate this process. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Lewis B Smedes Caroline Myss, a world renowned medical intuitive, argues that if we take 60% of our life-force (energy flow or Qi) to manage negative experiences in the past, another 10% worrying about the future, that leaves only 30% energy for healing. We can also heal by non-physical means from prayer, Reiki Healing, visualisation and hands-on-healing. Essentially, our food intake can also harm our immune system and lead to auto-immune diseases and cancer. Colin Tipping adds:” People with cancer are brave souls, who have come to the physical plane (earth) with a mission to demonstrate the futility of projecting anger and war on the body and on ourselves. Their mission is to make us understand that the only answer to any situation is love.” Lis Horwich A specific Forgiveness or Self-Love package is available for issues discussed in this article. Please contact Lis direct on contact form below.
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March 2018