![]() In order for people to make a success of a business they are required to work at peak capacity. Without the health and wellbeing of individuals this is an impossible task. For 100 years, the Alexander Technique has taught people to be responsible for their psychological and physical wellbeing to work and engage with the world more efficiently and enjoyably. With the procedures of the Alexander Technique, people learn to listen to their psycho-physical selves and find more satisfaction in relating to others and the world. In a process of exploration with a qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique people can -
Clearly, the benefits for business are immense. The quality of work output improves vastly when staff increase their confidence, authenticity and resilience on both the physical and mental level. People learn to respond to tasks at work in the here and now rather than keep reacting habitually i.e., relying on patterns they acquired in their childhood. For any enterprise to succeed, fostering qualities of growth, flexibility and robustness in individuals provides the vital base for a healthy and successfully run enterprise. With the procedures of the Alexander Technique individuals increase their insight into their responsibility for their own wellbeing and the possibility of prevention. The Alexander Technique looks at the function of a person. That means, we ask: What is a person doing to her/himself? Has she/he good use, meaning can she/he respond well to a situation psycho-physically? Or does she/he constantly draw from idiosyncratic dysfunctional stress patterns and habits? Through physical touch and keen observation, the teacher of the Alexander Technique explores with the client possibilities of better use and function. With the guidance of a qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique, the identification of limiting habits and are accompanied in their process of changing those. Practically, this means, movement and observation work, accompanied by a qualified and highly skilled teacher of the Alexander Technique. The profound learning involves the whole person. This process takes a bit of time but allows for profound changes for the long-term. The Alexander work embraces the cognitive, behavioural, psychological and physical complexity of an individual. When congruence can be found, an individual will function at peak level. For instance, instead of collapsing into one’s back at the desk, a person will explore their ability to use the workspace more suitably. Energy saved from reactions to psycho-physical stress can be freed and ideally funnelled into the work process. The Alexander practitioner’s work is to facilitate understanding and change for that. People also learn about what they find stressful and how they respond to stress. Stress is part of life. The question is what people do to themselves when it becomes stressful for them. With the Alexander Technique people engage in a deep learning process. The Alexander Technique is underpinned by a robust theory and philosophy. Technological advances also begin to provide evidence for the effectiveness of the Alexander Technique approach (ATEAM trial, http://www.bmj.com/content/337/bmj.a884, ASPEN, http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/369956/). In introductory sessions, the underlying theory is being explained and put into context of current research. The Alexander Technique requires the full involvement of the person not just a theoretical understanding. The significance of the Alexander Technique is to help people to develop a finer consciousness of it. The Alexander Technique is not a therapy or a manipulative activity. Rather, the Alexander Technique, using movement and physical contact-work, is a learning process. Since the Alexander procedures do not involve physically strenuous movements or medical examinations, clients work in ordinary clothes. They might be asked to take their shoes off in order to get a better sense of moving. Another aspect of the Alexander Technique is the experience of the physical-mechanical advantage. F. M. Alexander discovered a way of connecting the body and mind so that a person is able to allow the body to lengthen to its most advantageous place. That allows the body and mind to be at its very best – gracefully and powerfully. Just what one needs at a work-place. Stress is not only a mental but also a physical hazard. Humans collapse and contract into their torsos, over-stretch, use wrong muscles and compensate for weaker or aching body parts. Any of these habits are active at the work- place and reduce productivity and job satisfaction. The outcome of engaging with the Alexander Technique is referenced so many times by clients. Clients learn to take responsibility for their use and allowing themselves to release into their full selves and allow the body to work more efficiently. People who engage with the Alexander Technique experience lightness because they learn to stop pulling down into themselves. People become physically and mentally calmer and more alive. The result is more self-confidence and less psycho-physical complaints, fewer pain killers and fewer visits to the GP. More results from research activities are produced and published (www.STAT.org) but much more is needed to provide the evidence of the profound impact the Alexander Technique can have. The Alexander Technique has no known side-effects and is inclusive. That means, people do not need any prior knowledge or skills and people with physical disabilities or chronic issues equally benefit. People benefit the most when the theory and practical underpinnings of the Alexander Technique are explained. Introductory sessions are being taught in groups. One-to-one sessions are recommended to engage in deeper work. Alexander Technique teachers work at many places: British Airways, at Schools, in the NHS, in Higher Education. The Alexander Technique teaches a life skill and awareness in life that enhances life and work. Doris Prugel-Bennett
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